Embrace What You Can Do (EWYCD)

Consider this—

  • We all have capabilities, passions, dreams and limitations.

  • Emphasizing what we CAN do, no matter how small, is always an option.

  • Fully embracing what is possible is very likely to have a positive impact.

“Embrace What You Can Do” (EWYCD) is a method to enhance the positive in your life by fully engaging in your capabilities while deemphasizing limitations. It is an optimistic approach to living intended for anyone at absolutely any stage.

Embrace What You Can Do":

Embrace: Improve, enhance, expand, embellish, enjoy, and love your capabilities.

What: Consider specifically what it is about your capabilities and activities you enjoy.

You: Write down what activities and strengths are you capable of now or would like to in the future.

Can: Specify when your strengths and activities can be started or continued.

Do: Identify what exactly is needed to be done to pursue your strengths, capabilities and activities.

Ask yourself if EWYCD might be right for you:

  • Do you feel you are not living up to your potential?

  • Could there be more fulfillment in your life?

  • Do you have physical limitations getting in the way of your happiness?

  • Have you been focusing on what you are unable to do?

  • Have you decided that there is not much you can do to fully enjoy life?

Follow these Steps to “ Embrace What You Can Do” today (there is no cost).

  1. List and prioritize what you CAN or could (realistically) do (see step-by -step instructions).

  2. Add in details for each activity on the worksheet(s).

  3. Select an activity and start to Embrace What You Can Do!

Note: This site is functional but still under construction.

Please check back for the following additional features:

  1. Ability to upload and share your worksheets.

  2. Help with identifying potential activities.

  3. App with optional activity reminders.

  4. AI assistance with creating a game plan.

I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions below to let me know what you think and found helpful.